
by Malissa Sperry
Posted: about 3 years ago
Updated: about 3 years ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Reminder: 1 week before
Ends: 02:00pm (duration is about 4 hours)

NY:Protect Yourself, Protect your Kids, March for Medical Freedom, Come to Albany, 1/5/22
March for Medical Freedom
Save the Date: Wednesday January 5, 2022
First Day of the Legislative Session
The Capitol, Albany, NY
Details To Be Announced
Mark your calendars
The legislature begins the next legislative session on Wednesday, January 5, 2022.
The goal of many is to eliminate any choice you have over what is injected into your body or your children’s body.
There are many serious threats YOU must fight:

Gov. Hochul’s “State of Emergency” even though there are no “omicron” variant cases in the US Gov. Hochul’s illegal mandate for healthcare workers and other employment Assembly Bill, A8378, Forced Covid shot mandates to attend school Bill A279a/S75a, Forces all adult vaccine records into a state database Bill A7829/S6495, Forced Covid shots for college Bill A2240/S45, Forced flu shots to attend school and pre-school, daycare Assembly Bill A8398, Eliminates religious exemptions for work and college Bill A3091/S3041, Eliminates parents’ consent to shots when a child reaches 14 years of age Bill A822/S931, Eliminates parents’ right to consent to STD shots for children of any age Assembly Bill A416, Allows the Governor to imprison without trial anyone she considers a threat to public health Assemblymember Patrick Burke’s upcoming bill to eliminate unvaccinated people’s access to health insurance And more!!!
Look in the mirror if you want to see who will stop these threats to you and your children. Directions to Albany: https://www.nyassembly.gov/directions/
Current Sponsors:
Autism Action Network
Children’s Health Defense
Children’s Health Defense NY
My Kids My Choice
New York Alliance for Vaccine Rights
Parent’s Mind
Teachers for Choice
  • [2021-Dec-22 10:19 AM] Malissa Sperry: Updated

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