Erupting La Palma Volcano MAY Result in East Coast Tsunami (Tidal Wave)

20 Sep 2021 by The Editor

Folks, No B.S., this is a potentially a very serious Black Swan Event. There is a lot of discussion about the Spanish Canary Island Volcano La Palma became active yesterday. If the volcano does fully erupt it’s been calculated that up too 500 cubic kilometres of dirt and rock could slide down the volcano’s Western slope into the Atlantic Ocean setting off a tsunami towards North and Central America. Tsunamis can reach speeds up to 400MPH and could cover the 3,000 plus miles from the Canary Islands to the Caribbean and the U.S. East Coast in less than 8 hours! Notify everyone you know that should La Palma Volcano blow they need to get off the low coastal areas to high ground quickly and preferably with some living essentials.

Here are but a few news articles published since yesterday!

U.S. East Coast Could Be Submerged By Tsunami:
SeeMoreRocks | News Week | CBS News | New York Post | Reuters News | Orange Strong BBS

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