SWLing (Shortwave Radio Listening) is one of the most popular radio activities in the world. Even with the advent of the world wide web, SWLing stands apart because it provides some of the
best “unfiltered” news and content to be found. The joy of SWLing is that you don’t need expensive equipment, a connection to the internet, an elaborate antenna, or even AC mains power. To pick up most broadcasts, a few batteries and an inexpensive pocket-sized shortwave radio are all you need. This is simplicity at its best, and the reason there are so many people SWLing today. Of course, once you’ve mastered the basics of SWLing, you may also be interested in DXing (searching for more distant stations) which will require an upgrade from your pocket-sized radio; however, even then, you may be amazed at how little it takes to put together a good DX-chasing set-up.
[Shortwave radio] has little regard for distance, and no regard for political borders, nor for who and how many join you to listen. This apparent information dinosaur travels at the speed of light, streams information wirelessly on affordable handheld devices[…], is virtually immune to censorship, and leaves no tracks. Censorial attempts to jam it are largely unsuccessful and can usually be bypassed. Radio is, moreover, faster than the Internet. Radio is straightforward, effective – and in the developing world, still absolutely vital. It often functions as a form of life-support for rural and impoverished communities – for example, offering life-saving information when disaster strikes, like earthquakes or tsunamis. – Thomas Witherspoon as quoted in the Toronto StarSWLing Radio Receiver Must Haves - FM/AM Low/High SSB Short/Med/Long Wave Multiband Receiver
Preferred Features - Telescoping Antenna, External Antenna connection, Standard Replacement Size Batteries, Zero Beat Capable, AGC (Automatic Gain Control), Attenuation Control, Wide/Narrow FM Band option, Scan option, DSP (Digital Signal Processor), Local/Normal/DX-Long Distance receive option, FM RDS (Radio Data System), DRM Capable (Digital Radio Mondiale),
Added Features: Memory, FM Stereo, AM Air Band, Clock. Alarm,
SWLing Radio Receiver Personal Preference: 1. Size – pocket to desk top.
2. Price – $50 up to $1,000.
Radio Listening for Beginners Video |
Shortwave Listening |
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SWLing Open Q&A on NNW BBS |
SWLing Q&A on Orange Strong Comms → * Membership Required
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