2020 ENY Simulated Emergency Test - Oct. 3

2 Oct 2020 by The Editor

Saturday, October 3 is the date for the Eastern New York Section 2020 Simulated Emergency Test (SET), as part of the ARRL’s national annual event scheduled for the first weekend of October. This is an opportunity for amateurs to test skills and equipment that might be used in an emergency situation.
In ENY, the SET is a county level event where ARES groups may evaluate their program at the local level. Participation is encouraged but, of course, optional. Many counties in the section have scheduled some kind of activity beginning Saturday morning. Some of you may have already received a drill message from your county Emergency Coordinator (EC) about a possible pending activation. Other counties have scheduled exercises listed on ARES Connect ARRL Volunteer Hub with details on the activity. Please check the site to find out about your county’s event and register. Some county groups may be doing “snap” drills or alternate activities at another time and date. If your county is not listed and you wish to participate in the October 3 events, please consider participating with a neighboring county.
This year’s events take place under the shadow of special circumstances so participation from home, a vehicle or other safe location is encouraged. Please observe CDC recommendations at all times.
Take some time to participate if you can. Brush up on procedures, learn a new skill or mode, but have fun doing so.
Thanks for all you continue to do.
David Galletly KM2O

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